In Reason We Trust

There are two subjects that seem to fire people up and create an almost instantaneous environment of opposition and disagreement, like no others. Politics and religion! You put the two together and look out because an immediate firestorm is inevitable! Why is that? There is nothing new about the violent clash of opinions that quickly develop.

For as long as I can remember, anytime either and especially if both of these topics are brought into a conversation with a group of otherwise intelligent people, all hell breaks loose! Whether it be a holiday gathering with family, a post of a social networking site or just a group of friends hanging out, the end result is always the same. Nothing productive or positive is accomplished. In fact, there are times that a person’s involvement in such conversations can create enemies, drive wedges between family members, just to name a few. I have even witnessed people becoming so enraged that physical fist fights have resulted in people having to go to the emergency room for treatment due to the severity of their injuries.

I ran across this video this past weekend on a website I was visiting and decided, with a little hesitation, to post it to my blog and see if I could raise an interest with others on this matter and maybe shed a little light and gain more insight to what others believe and why they feel intelligent adults cannot discuss these subjects without experiencing such primitive and violent reactions for one another.

WARNING:  This video does contain some potentially offensive adult language and may not be suitable for all viewers.

Published by lpaszli

Originally from Arkansas I moved to Houston in 1986 due to a slow economy and lack of jobs. I have worked in the grocery industry, retail and finally property management where I developed a career in management with some really great companies. The skills I learned over the years would prove to be invaluable. Throughout my career, I have met some of the most wonderful people most of which have remained close personal friends as of today. My partner and I live in the Energy Corridor area of Houston and have been together seventeen years as of May 1, 2012. Our life together has been one filled with great joy dotted with moments of disappointment and sadness. However, the good times far outweigh the bad! Surrounding yourself with as many kind, loving and forgiving individuals has been key in our life and our relationships. Life is too short to waste precious time with people who do not enrich your life and add value to each and moment of every day! With that said, I will always make an attempt to help others recognize within themselves a need to examine within themselves the negative impact they can have on themselves and others. But as we all know, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Due to the loss of my job in 2003 complicated by my declining overall health caused by the extreme emotional stress related to the by product as a result of the loss of my job. Obviously, the first crisis a person will usually experience as a result from the loss of their employment will be financial difficulties which can be extremely detrimental to a persons health/immune system. For me, my failing health prevented me from being able to pursue a new job. Severe depression soon became very much a reality and took me quickly on a downward spiral to a very dark place which, at times, I felt I would not be able to return to what I had always considered a normal life or lifestyle.

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